API Documentation

API Documentation

By using our the MinecraftServers.biz API you can ask us for specific data in an automated fashion.

API Endpoints

Checking wether someone has voted or not is an extremely handy feature. It can for example be used in vote verification plugins so you can reward your players after they have voted.
ParameterDescriptionData Type
keyYour Server API KeyString
usernameVoter's usernameString

{ "voted" : false, "claimed" : false }Not found
{ "voted" : true, "claimed" : false }Has voted and not claimed
{ "voted" : true, "claimed" : true }Has voted and claimed
This feature allows you to set someone's voted as claimed, this way they cannot claim the same reward twice.
POST http://minecraftservers.biz/api/votes/claim/YOUR_API_KEY_HERE/USERNAME_OF_VOTER/
ParameterDescriptionData Type
keyYour Server API KeyString
usernameVoter's usernameString

{ "voted" : false, "claimed" : false }We were unable to locate the user's vote based on the information provided.
{ "voted" : true, "claimed" : true }This vote has been marked as claimed

API Plugins

Votifieris a reward plugin for Minecraft Servers. Using this plugin you can give rewards to players that voted for your server on MinecraftServers.biz

Detail & Download

If you'd like to test your votifier configuration. Feel free to check out our Votifier test.