

BattleBlocs ip:

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BattleBlocs is the Minecraft server for those that want to have fun with cool custom-developed games and plugins. We always focus on delivering the ultimate player experience, while making it fun and interesting. Our primary focus is to create an environment where people get to be creative and enjoy their time. We have a temporary hub and a multitude of builders always working on something cool, fun, and engaging for all players.

Moreover, we cover everything from our unique games to RP, PVP and Survival. Whatever you need, we got it, and we always listen to all of our players. Our unique games are fun and they always bring something new to the table. One of them is Steal the Crown, a Juggernaut mode where everyone has a compass showing the crown player, and everyone needs to chase the crown player in order to take their place. As a crown player, you have buffs and special health, which makes the game very engaging and also very dangerous.

Some of our other games include survival PVP and a creative mode where you can build literally anything you want. We are always excited to bring in lots of new modes, and we are listening to our community. Don’t hesitate and try our server today if you want to have a great time testing your skills or creating amazing worlds!

Server Information
Discord Link
Registration DateJune 30, 2021
Last Pingedabout 13 hours ago
Minecraft Server Statistics
Version 1.18.2
CategoriesParkourPrisonPVPRoleplaySkywarsCapture The FlagCreativeFactionsLobbyMinigames
CountryUnited States of America flag