Hybridize ip:
HYBRIDIZE - 1.14.2 -
Hybridize is a new genre for Minecraft Servers, that we're calling "Hybrid," devoted to providing its players with a fun and unique playing experience and environment through the combined game modes of Kit PvP, Prison, Mob Farm, and Plot World type servers.
No racism, sexism, or hate speech of any kind.
No hacked clients.
No advertising other servers.
Use common sense.
This server works off a few basic principles that make it a new genre:
Rather than having multiple servers devoted to each game mode, like many large-end and bungee-driven servers, Hybridize meshes the aforementioned game modes into one seamless server. Essentially, a "Hybrid" server is a composite of many types of servers that all simultaneously affect the progression of the player directly; what you do in one game mode directly affects what you receive, and can do, in the other game modes through the overarching economy, ubiquitous kits that are transferable through certain worlds, and so forth.
In Hybridize, you are presented with three game modes to choose from (soon to be five). These game modes are: Kit PvP, Prison (just a few public mines), Mob Farm, and Plots.
Kit PvP - This is the main game mode of the server. Here you can select a kit that is associated with your rank (rank" I" can choose rank "I kits", rank "II" can choose rank "II," and, "I," etc.). However, unlike many common Kit PvP servers, Hybridize's Kit PvP game mode is a new take on the orthodox. All regular kits are free, and all kits are balanced (an ongoing process, however). Furthermore, there is not cool down time for any kit whatsoever - this means that the combat is fast, fun, and ferocious. This means that you do not have to stress about losing. When you play our Kit PvP, you will no longer be stressed about losing; instead you will be engaged by the combat and excited to play again once you are killed. Each kill you gain is $1000. Use this money to /rankup in game to receive more kits and playing opportunities in the other game modes (like access to new mines in the Prison game mode and new kits in Mob Farm).
Prison - The Prison game mode on Hybridize is pretty much like most Prison-type servers. When you join this game mode, you will be granted a nice pickax, and then guided to the mine. Mine blocks, then type "/sell all" (or sell individual items in /shop) once your inventory is filled. With the money you gain from mining, you can type "/rankup." Ranking up not only gives you access to new mines, but also new kits in the Kit PvP and Mob Farm game modes.
Mob Farm - To my knowledge, I have never seen a "Mob Farm" type server, so this is a new genre for a server in a new server-genre (inception!). In this game mode, you farm mobs - quite self explanatory. However, you farm massive hoards of mobs in an engaging and fun way. Instead of traditional weapons and armor you might see in vanilla Minecraft, we offer our players custom made items (mmoItems) that allow you to blow through mobs at incredibly fun speeds, and perform different kinds of spells and abilities. However, there is still risk involved because you are still hurt by the mobs and can lose your items if you die. Sell your loot from slaying mobs with "/sell all", and, once again, with that money you can type "/rankup" that will give you access to more content throughout the entire server - and not just the Mob Farm game mode.
Plots - With the money you gain from the other three game modes, you can go to a plot (costs $10,000 in-game cash), and then build whatever you want. You will soon be able to make custom gear sets and weapons. You can also enchant items and make a neat little house if you so choose.
The future of Hybridize:
We plan on adding many more engaging game modes to the server. Specifically in development are: Parkour and Dungeons!
Parkour: self explanatory; beat the parkour level, receive money, use the money to /rankup to receive more parkour maps and content throughout the server.
Dungeons: quests that you and some friends can do together. These quests will be located in private dungeons that are filled with custom mobs, bosses, and loot. A dungeon will be very difficult and challenge your mind (puzzles!), but will yield great rewards. Beating a dungeon will grant you and your teammates loot and money. With the money you can type "/rankup" and gain access to more dungeons, as well as more content throughout the entire server.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy Hybridize - a simple solution to a simple game.
Please leave constructive criticism on our Discord page: https://discord.gg/gskYQgf - BUT BE POLITE PLEASE!
IP: (getting a domain name soon :P )
motd=\u00A7f \u00A7f\u00A7lHYBRIDIZE\u00A77- \u00A7f\u00A7ki\u00A74NEW SERVER GENRE\u00A7f\u00A7ki\n \u00A7cKitPvP - Mines - Mob Farm - Ranks
Server Information | |
Owner | Kzite |
Status | Offline |
Hybridize IP | |
Port | 25569 |
Discord Link | https://discord.gg/gskYQgf |
Registration Date | June 16, 2019 |
Last Pinged | about 18 hours ago |
Minecraft Server Statistics | |
Players | 0/0 |
Votes | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
Version | 1.14.2 |
Categories | PrisonPVEPVPRoleplayKit PVPMob Arena |
Country |